At St. Brigid School, faculty and parents work together to share our rich Catholic traditions and provide an educational environment that exemplifies Christian values for your son or daughter. Prayer, liturgy, community service projects as well as religious instruction, are integral parts of the faith development of your child.
Our Language Arts program (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) is immersed with meaningful, real and relevant teaching and learning. It focuses on process learning which uses an integrated curriculum. Your child will write and share their own published books. Reading/writing is a process used across the entire curriculum. It also serves as a foundation for life long enjoyment.
Our Math curriculum is rooted in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. It includes a hands-on approach to understanding concepts and developing problem-solving strategies.
Science deals with phenomena and objects that are part of your child’s daily life; it is a subject that engenders enthusiasm in the students. We build on a curiosity about the world and how it works. We will help your son or daughter develop skills in gathering, categorizing, quantifying, and interpreting information.
In Social Studies, Civics, and Ohio History, students learn the responsibilities of living in community. Your child will understand how geography and culture affect politics and history.
For Religion all students participate in religious instruction, weekly and holy day liturgies, daily prayer, and First Friday devotions. Sacrament instruction occurs in 2nd, 7th, and 8th grades. We celebrate and commemorate the seasons of the church year. One hundred percent of our students participate in service projects.
In addition to our classroom art classes, your child will benefit from an Attention to the Arts Program. This program includes a Picture Lady Program, visits to the Dayton Art Institute, attending performances at the Victoria Theatre and Schuster Center, the Dayton Philharmonic Young People’s Concerts, and the Dayton Ballet, plus experiencing authors, illustrators, and musicians live at St. Brigid.
While at St. Brigid, your child will attend physical education and music classes each week and will perform in two concerts each year.
St. Brigid technology offers 21st century technology to all students. Our technology includes a Chromebooks, Robots, and a Makerbot 3D printer. Chromebooks are used throughout the curriculum in all grades. Students use Google App on the Chromebooks. TinkerCAD is used for 3D designs for the 3D printer. along with Dash and Cue robots are part of St. Brigid’s technology program. coding program is a STEM based website that introduces students to coding/program using block coding. Students in grades K through 6 grade work on typing skills throughout the year. St. Brigid technology curriculum incorporates higher order thinking skills.
St. Brigid uses Google Workplace for Education. Google Workplace for Education provides a school with various programs (Documents, Slides, Presentation, Classroom and more). Workplace for Education allows student to collaborate with teachers and other students on various assignments/projects.
St. Brigid staff and students can access Google Workspace for Education anywhere, anytime and on any device. Students are able to utilize the Chromebooks throughout the curriculum. Grades K through 8 are 1:1 classrooms. The Chromebooks are used for Google Apps, etextbooks, online exams as well as many other resources. All classrooms have an interactive whiteboard for teachers and students to use. St. Brigid staff continues to implement new technology to meet the 21st century learners’ needs.
Students graduate St. Brigid with a strong understanding of Chromebooks, digital citizenship, coding, typing and Google Workspace for Education.
Click HERE for Google Workspace for Education Notice to Parents and Guardians.