Faith and Service

Faith and Service

For more than 160 years, St. Brigid Schools has offered a Catholic education for children preschool-age through eighth grade. Open to all faiths, we strive for the highest level of academic excellence in an educational environment that exemplifies Christian values.

The St. Brigid Parish also offers Youth Ministry to teach young Catholics to be disciples of Jesus. We focus on seasonal events, volunteering, leadership development, and other programs, outings and gatherings. We seek to foster a passion for justice and peace as well as church teachings on respecting life. For more information about Youth Ministry contact the Parish Office, or visit:


St. Brigid School, a faith-filled community, is a place where, in collaboration with families, Gospel values are shared and modeled so that the Catholic heritage and tradition continue to flourish in the community and all students are challenged to achieve their highest potential.


St. Brigid is a school that calls forth and supports the discipleship of Jesus in all its dimensions.  Everyone involved comes to think and to act like Jesus.  The emerging kingdom of God is evident so that people are drawn into this vision.