The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Decree on Child Protection requires all volunteers over the age of 18 who work with children on a regular basis to complete a background check and complete a SafeParish Training session. A regular volunteer is a person who works with children more than one hour a month.
Volunteers and employees must register on SafeParish, complete the required online session, and complete an online background check. Employees must also be fingerprinted.
Adults may NOT volunteer with children in any capacity until they have completed the SafeParish training session and their online background check.
To learn more about SafeParish and the Archdiocese’s Child Protection Decree, please visit This website will also prompt you to complete your Fastrax background check on once you have registered for an account. For instructions to register, please call or email the safe environment coordinator using the contact information at the bottom of this page.
These Archdiocesean policies will help protect our children from abuse and safeguard their well-being.
Reporting Abuse
If you or someone you know has been abused at any time by an agent of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (priest, deacon, employee or volunteer), the Archdiocese urges you to contact Teresa Maley, the Coordinator of Ministry To Survivors of Abuse of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, at 513-263-6623 as well as to the victim’s secular legal authorities.
Compliant Individuals
A list of all St. Brigid Church individuals who are in compliance with the Archdiocese Decree on Child Protection is available at the Parish Office. Compliance means that the volunteer has successfully completed a background check and has completed the SafeParish training session and has kept up with quarterly videos. For employees, compliance means having successfully completed the background check, completed the SafeParish training session, kept up with quarterly videos, and been fingerprinted.
For more information contact our Safe Environment Coordinator at:
937-372-3193 / Parish Office